public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from springnet with tags vc & springnet

December 2007


With more than 1,000 venture capital and private equity firms listed, BoogarLists is an excellent place for entrepreneurs to start their search for investment capital. And for students, analysts and planners who need to kick-start or augment their on-lin

January 2007

October 2006

Omidyar Network

by 2 others
We believe every individual has the power to make a difference. We exist for one single purpose: So that more and more people discover their own power to make good things happen.

July 2006

SiliconBeat: The venture capitalist's Web 2.0 list

by 1 other
Here is a list of all Web 2.0 companies that received venture backing. Download the list here; note the tabs at the bottom, which show all 2005 fundings, and then 2006 Q1. Scroll to right to see the funding amounts, etc. (Hat-tip to PwC for sending it on.