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PUBLIC MARKS from srcmax with tag "internet explorer"


Download: IE App Compat VHD - Microsoft Download Center - Download Details

Windows Virtual PC VHDs for testing websites with different Internet Explorer version


HTML5 elements in Internet Explorer without Javascript

by 1 other
When using HTML5 for your website, you'll soon notice that Internet Explorer refuses to acknowledge, and subsequently style, all those newfangled HTML5 elements. They simple collapse into nothingness, as if they never existed in the first place. Depending on how complicated your markup is and how many HTML5 elements you've used, this makes your website full of semantic hotness pretty much look like dog poo in Internet Explorer.


PNG background-repeat bug in Internet Explorer 7 and 8 «

For this project, I have a page template with several container elements that all have a 1 pixel by 1 pixel PNG background set to repeat, and it looks great when testing it in IE 7 and IE 8. So, I created my next page template with the same styling. This time, IE 7 and 8 both choked when handling the background-repeat. Instead of repeating, both of these browsers inexplicably tried to stretch the 1×1 image across the entire container. The PNG happened to have 60 percent alpha transparency, but I’m not sure that matters. A coworker suggested making it a 10×10 pixel image instead, just to see what happens. Surprise, surprise. That fixed it.

CSS3 PIE: CSS3 decorations for IE

by 7 others
PIE makes Internet Explorer 6-8 capable of rendering several of the most useful CSS3 decoration features.

Nouvelle alerte de sécurité sur Internet Explorer


Microsoft a publié ce soir peu après 22 heures un avis de sécurité concernant une nouvelle vulnérabilité découverte dans Internet Explorer (IE). Classée « importante », elle permet à un pirate d'accéder au contenu d'un ordinateur, par l'intermédiaire d'un site Web piégé.

Keith Clark - IE CSS3 pseudo-class selectors

by 1 other

ie-css3.js allows Internet Explorer to identify CSS3 pseudo-class selectors and render any style rules defined with them. Simply include the script in your pages, start using these selectors in your style sheets and they'll work in IE!

Is SVG Finally Coming to Internet Explorer?

Could one of my top wishes for IE9 be coming true? According to the IEBlog, Microsoft have joined the W3C SVG Working Group


Internet Explorer 9: Microsoft Reveals First Details

The new browser is very early in the development process. It’s only been in development for three weeks, as Windows 7’s release took precedent, thus there are not many details for IE9. However, the theme seems to be that IE9 is going to adhere and even improve upon web standards (albeit “responsibly”).

CSS Compatibility and Internet Explorer

by 1 other

With each new release of Windows Internet Explorer, support for the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) standard has steadily improved. Internet Explorer 6 was the first fully CSS, Level 1-compliant version of Internet Explorer. Windows Internet Explorer 8 is fully compliant with the CSS, Level 2 Revision 1 (CSS 2.1) specification and supports some features of CSS Level 3 (CSS 3).

Mozilla critique aussi le plug-in Google Chrome Frame -

« Je ne pense pas que ce type d'outil soit l'avenir du Web. Je préfère que Google conseille aux utilisateurs de passer à Chrome, plutôt que d'intégrer leur moteur dans Internet Explorer », explique-t-il en substance sur son blog. Comme Microsoft, il pointe du doigt les problèmes de sécurité. « Le plug-in désactive certaines fonctions d'Internet Explorer, et peut inquiéter les utilisateurs sur les questions de sécurité ».

Avec son navigateur, Microsoft explore aussi le HTML 5


Et quid d'Internet Explorer ? Ce navigateur restera-t-il à jamais la plaie des développeurs web ? Selon Mark Pilrim, expert en accessibilité chez Google, probablement pas, et c'est une bonne nouvelle. Ce dernier rapporte en effet qu'Adrian Bateman, responsable d'Internet Explorer chez Microsoft, a ainsi déclaré : « Nous soutenons l'inclusion des élements audio et video au sein des spécifications (...) nous sommes en train de revoir les détails ».

Asa Dotzler: Firefox and more: milestone weekend

This weekend, for the first time, IE 8 usage surpassed IE 6 usage in the Net Applications usage share daily trend reports.

10 Cool Things We’ll Be Able To Do Once IE6 Is Dead

Some people think that IE6 is dead already. But only developers who have the luxury of a specialist audience, or who don’t have any business interest vested in their work, can think like that. For the rest of us, who have a real-world audience of ordinary, non-technical users to think about, IE6 is still very much a going concern.

Actu des navigateurs et des standards du Web - Standblog


Starting on or about the third week of April, users still running IE6 or IE7 on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, or Windows Server 2008 will get will get a notification through Automatic Update about IE8. This rollout will start with a narrow audience and expand over time to the entire user base. On Windows XP and Server 2003, the update will be High-Priority. On Windows Vista and Server 2008 it will be Important. IE8 will not automatically install on machines. Users must opt-in to install IE8. Users will see a Welcome screen that offers choices: Ask later, install now, or don’t install.


01net. - Microsoft corrige en urgence la faille d'Internet Explorer

Hier soir, Microsoft publiait en urgence un patch permettant de corriger une faille critique sur Internet Explorer. Les utilisateurs sont invités par l'éditeur à le télécharger sans attendre, à partir de ce lien. Pour ceux qui ont activé la fonction de mise à jour automatique de Windows, la distribution du patch a commencé avec Windows Update.

Pourquoi Google a sorti son navigateur Chrome - Standblog

by 1 other

Internet Explorer, pour Google, a deux gros inconvénients :

  • 1. il est peu performant (et peu sécurisé) et évolue très peu, donc il limite ce que Google peut proposer comme services innovants à ses utilisateurs.
  • 2. il est contrôlé par une société, Microsoft, qui est en concurrence frontale avec Google sur plusieurs points, dont la recherche Web et la publicité en ligne (les deux points forts de Google, et les plus lucratifs).

Donc, d'un point de vue stratégique, Internet Explorer est un (gros) caillou dans la chaussure de Google : imaginez comme il doit être pénible de dépendre de votre pire ennemi pour interagir avec vos clients !

Internet Explorer 7 pour planter des arbres

Microsoft propose désormais aux internautes français de participer à la campagne Carbon Grove avec en point d'orgue la plantation d'un arbre via Internet Explorer 7.

The cake is a lie: IE team bakes a treat for Mozilla

by 1 other (via)
In honor of today's Firefox 3 release, Microsoft's Internet Explorer team gave a cake to Mozilla. The tasty treat, which prominently displays IE's blue "e" icon, just arrived here at Mozilla headquarters in Mountain View.

My DebugBar | IETester / HomePage

by 13 others
IETester is a free WebBrowser that allows you to have the rendering and javascript engines of IE8 beta 1, IE7 IE 6 and IE5.5 on Vista and XP, as well as the installed IE in the same process.

[#LPP-241] HTTP Headers in IE not including Accept-Language (FireFox is OK) - OpenLaszlo

1 comment
HTTP Headers proxied thru the LPS for Internet Explorer (IE) are *not* including the Accept-Language header. This header *is* being included correctly in FireFox. See sample headers below.

srcmax's TAGS related to tag "internet explorer"

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