November 2005
Google Proposes Mountain View Wi-Fi Network
Google has announced plans to use its home city of Mountain View, California as a testing ground to prove the social and financial benefits of providing customers with free wireless internet connections.
Google and Yahoo Plan Further Wireless Web Expansion
Google and Yahoo are both currently making plans to further expand into mobile communication markets, by extending a number of their internet based services to cell phone users.
October 2005
Google Proposes Free Wi-Fi Network In San Francisco
Google spokesman, Nate Tyler, has recently confirmed that Google is proposing to provide free Wi-Fi internet access to residents of San Francisco.
September 2005
Google Begins Testing New Wi-Fi Service
Internet search giant, Google, confirmed on Tuesday that it is beginning to test a free wireless internet service, called Google Wi-Fi.
August 2005
Google Launches VoIP/Instant Messaging Service
As of last night, Google Talk is the newest player in this growing industry and a formidable competitor to the currently dominant Skype service.
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