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PUBLIC MARKS from vacelts with tags music & "Amanda Overmyer"

20 March 2008

Will Guest Mentors Nuture a Star Among Idol Contenders?

Finally, American Idol announced the Season 7 guest mentors on the Top 11 results show. Expect to see Dolly Parton, Mariah Carey, Andrew Lloyd Webber and Neil Diamond mixing it up with the Top 10 over the next few weeks.

19 March 2008

American Idol Lennon-McCartney Night Part Deux

Tonight the Top 11 celebrated The Beatles - again - on American Idol with even more songs from John Lennon and Paul McCartney - and one by George Harrison. But who would stand out this week?

13 March 2008

David H. Says Goodbye on Idol Top 12 Results

Welcome to the Horton Hears a Who version of American Idol, also known as 55 minutes of fluff for a five-minute decision. And amongst all the brouhaha, we learned the results from the Top 12 performances.

12 March 2008

Chikeze Steps it Up on Idol Lennon-McCarthy Night

American Idol is down to its Top 12 and the competition just heated up with performances of songs from the John Lennon and Paul McCartney Library. But can the Top 12 handle the pressure?

29 February 2008

13 February 2008

How to Survive ‘American Idol’ Hollywood Week

Tonight I got my first exposure to American Idol’s Hollywood Week, or as Ryan Seacrest called it - Hell Week. And I quickly learned which things will knock you out of the running for the Top 24. Here is the Top 5 Things Not to Do During Hollywood Week if you hope to advance.