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PUBLIC MARKS from ycc2106 with tags english & online


Correcteur orthographique en ligne

Ce correcteur orthographique analyse en temps réel le texte que vous saisissez pour rechercher les éventuelles fautes d'orthographe. Il est capable de suggérer les corrections possibles dans plus de 20 langues. De plus, en sélectionnant la fonction AUTO, il identifie la langue dans laquelle vous écrivez en utilisant notre identificateur de la langue.


SpellCheckPlus: Online Spelling and Grammar Checker

by 1 other
Advanced grammar and spelling checker with explanations

Online Dictionary: definitions by WordNet, Webster's, etc. -

by 2 others
Free cross-referenced definitions, spelling correction, and word searches from WordNet, Webster's, FOLDOC, and a variety of specialized sources.

Ninjawords - a really fast dictionary

by 4 others
You can compare definitions by looking up many words on the same page. Type them one by one and hit enter, or type them all at once in the search box, separated by commas. The definitions come from the ever-growing Wiktionary. Annotated link

fhilantrpyst - Spell Checker & Advance Word Analyzer

to search words you don't have a clue how to spell... words

英語翻訳 - Infoseek マルチ翻訳

by 2 others
multi language translator for korean chinese french italian german spanish portugese english, - text and url with options


Rezzibo Home Page - Web based personal news and blog reader RSS, ATOM Enabled

If you own a account, you can add articles directly to your favorites without the need to leave Rezzibo. Rezzibo enables you to save interesting articles for later reference. You can not only search in articles saved by you, but also in all ar

AJAX based spellchecker demo

by 1 other
Suggestions are offered via AJAX powered links, just like done by GMail. While this is by no means anything more than a demo, it is still surprising that only 67 lines of code, plus some HTML templates were required.

Jeffrey's Japanese<->English Dictionary - Gateway

Welcome to Jeffrey's Japanese<->English Dictionary Server. This is merely the gateway to the main dictionary page.