public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from ycc2106 with tags web & wiki

19 April 2006

21 February 2006

TiddlyWiki - a reusable non-linear personal web notebook

by 85 others
* compatibility with most modern browsers (at the moment you can only SaveChanges on FireFox, InternetExplorer under Windows and Safari on the Mac * various InterfaceOptions, including the ability to GenerateAnRssFeed, SaveBackups and AutoSave * a liquid CSS layout that can be customised with a CustomStyleSheet * KeyboardShortcuts so you can finish editing a tiddler with Control-Enter or abandon it with Escape * rich formatting including MonospacedText, ExtendedFormatting, NonWikiWordLinks, WikiWordEscape, PrettyLinks, SubHeadings, BulletPoints, NumberedBulletPoints, Tables, BlockQuotes, HorizontalRules * InlineHTML * ...EmbeddedImages: * Macros providing rich interactive features, including Sparklines and Gradients * some BugFixes balanced by some KnownBugs * a flexible OpenSourceLicense