public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags ajax & zimbra

May 2007

January 2007

Zimbra groupware

by lecyborg & 44 others (via)
Pour rappel Zimbra tourne sur une plateforme Apache/Tomcat/MySQL/LDAP. C'est un outil comparable à Egroupware (agenda, messagerie, annuaire, wiki) ; il se différencie au niveau interface, puisque celle-ci est tout AJAX, permettant glisser/déposer, menus contextuels, etc. Une des premières applications abouties de ce que l'on peut faire avec AJAX. Zimbra propose aussi en libre des plugins, permettant par exemple de l'interfacer avec Asterisk, avec Google Maps, Wikipedia, etc.

June 2006

March 2006

AJAX Frameworks

by tagtooga & 1 other
AJAX Frameworks for software developers - links to the most popular AJAX frameworks, open source or otherwise. Each link displays a HTML snapshot of the site.

November 2005

October 2005

Groupware > Zimbra

by bagou & 44 others (via)
Zimbra is a community for building and maintaining next generation collaboration technology. Currently, this technology is available as a beta version. At Zimbra, our goal is to make e-mail, calendar, contacts and other communications technologies the best they can be. We believe that by opening the technology to the community we will ensure that we can maximize innovation, scale and the ability to co-exist with existing messaging systems.

Active users

last mark : 15/05/2007 08:23

last mark : 19/01/2007 10:04

last mark : 28/06/2006 17:52

last mark : 11/03/2006 13:11

last mark : 18/11/2005 11:12

last mark : 03/10/2005 12:26