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PUBLIC MARKS with tags freeware & utilitaire


🛠 LOG - PORTABLE - Net Disabler - Outil qui vous permet de couper rapidement la connexion Internet, n'installe aucun service, 3 méthodes de blocage d'Internet -

by decembre (via)
If you are looking for a tool that allows you to quickly cut off the Internet connection, then “Net Disabler” is offering exactly what you are looking for. – NetDisabler does not install any service – NetDisabler Offer 3 Internet blocking methods – NetDisabler has a password protection feature – NetDisabler is Portable and freeware Application If you want to make sure no one will use the internet you can set a password to protect your settings FRENCH TRADUCTION : Si vous recherchez un outil qui vous permet de couper rapidement la connexion Internet, Net Disabler vous offre exactement ce que vous recherchez. - NetDisabler n'installe aucun service - NetDisabler Offer 3 méthodes de blocage d'Internet - NetDisabler a une fonction de protection par mot de passe - NetDisabler est une application portable et gratuite Si vous voulez vous assurer que personne n’utilisera Internet, vous pouvez définir un mot de passe pour protéger vos paramètres.



DirSync Pro

by rmaltete
DirSync Pro (Directory Synchronize Pro) is a small, but powerful utility for file and folder synchronization. DirSync Pro can be used to synchronize the content of one or many folders recursively. Using DirSync Pro you can make incremental backups. In this way you'll spare lots of time because you don't have to copy all the files each time you want to update your backup; only new/modified/larger files would be copied.


Forget Me Not

by rmaltete & 1 other
When I use Safari, I like to keep a lot of tabs open; but when I close Safari, it forgets what I had open. Consequently, I wrote ForgetMeNot—a SIMBL plugin for Safari which saves the URLs you were visiting when Safari quits, and reloads those same websites for you when you start Safari again.


by rmaltete (via)
Logiciel pour recadrer et trier vos photos numériques Photorapido permet de recadrer un ensemble de photo numérique en un temps record. Transformez toutes vos photos aux dimensions 3/4 en format 2/3 pour un développement classique en 10x15. Il est aussi possible d'effectuer des opérations de bases, comme le retournement vertical ou horizontal et la rotation à 90° vers la droite ou vers la gauche. L'avantage de Photorapido : sa simplicité d'utilisation. En utilisant le clavier ou la souris, vous pourrez trier toutes vos photos, appliquer des effets basiques, mais indispensables, et tout cela en quelques minutes.

Image resizer - VSO Software

by rmaltete & 1 other (via)
Convertir, organiser, redimensionner vos images Le logiciel VSO Image Resizer redimensionne et peut convertir vos photos en les recompressant. C’est l’outil parfait pour les personnes qui stockent leurs photos numériques et images sur leur PC et veulent les compresser, les convertir dans un format différent, les dupliquer, les importer ou les organiser.

ProVoc - Free Vocabulary Trainer for Mac OS X

by rmaltete
ProVoc is a free and easy-to-use vocabulary trainer that will help you quickly learn and efficiently train your vocabulary. Behind its simple and user-friendly interface, ProVoc offers a rich variety of unique features that will greatly help you improve your knowledge of any foreign language or technical terminology.


Password Assistant | codepoetry

by rmaltete (via)
Password Assistant simply calls the Mac OS X Password Assistant dialog on demand. If you close the window, just choose File → New Window (CMD-N) to get it back (or reopen the program).


by rmaltete (via)
Fat32Formatter is freeware and written by TOKIWA to format drive larger than 32GB to FAT32, which means it can walk around the OS restriction that you can format drive to FAT32 only the size up to 32GB on Windows2000/XP/Vista.

Pod to Mac

by rmaltete (via)
Pod to Mac is freeware that lets you copy or transfer music, videos and playlists from an iPod or iPhone to your Mac and into iTunes.

Filmotech - Fonctionnalités

by rmaltete & 2 others
Filmotech est un logiciel de gestion de collection de DVD, Blu-Ray, DiVX, CD, VHS ou autres formats. Filmotech est un freeware (mais les dons sont les bienvenus !). Il fonctionne sur Mac et PC.



by rmaltete
GIFfun(tm) by Stone Design is the key to creating Web Animations quickly - you can use Create(tm) to make the individiual slides, or drag in any Image File directly into the GIFfun window, and the best part is that GIFfun is totally free, in cluding the well-commented source code. GIFfun was originally created because I wanted to add yet another feature to Create, but since this tool is of use to every web page designer, I thought it would help spread the word of Cocoa and to provide you with source and make it free because I can hear Monty saying "The Price Is Right". FAQ New! GIFfun Manual


by rmaltete & 1 other
Reveal is an easy to use, cross platform EXIF metadata viewer with limited editing capabilities. Reveal was designed to present as many details about how a photo was taken in a clear and easy to understand format.


by rmaltete
ExifTool is a platform-independent Perl library plus a command-line application for reading, writing and editing meta information in image, audio and video files. ExifTool supports many different types of metadata including EXIF, GPS, IPTC, XMP, JFIF, GeoTIFF, ICC Profile, Photoshop IRB, FlashPix, AFCP and ID3, as well as the maker notes of many digital cameras by Canon, Casio, FujiFilm, HP, JVC/Victor, Kodak, Leaf, Minolta/Konica-Minolta, Nikon, Olympus/Epson, Panasonic/Leica, Pentax/Asahi, Ricoh, Sanyo, Sigma/Foveon and Sony.


by rmaltete & 7 others (via)
WinDirStat is a disk usage statistics viewer and cleanup tool for Microsoft Windows (all current variants).


by rmaltete
Venez découvrir XnView, un logiciel pour visualiser et convertir les fichiers graphiques, vraiment très simple d'emploi ! Support de plus de 400 formats graphiques ! C'est gratuit, donc n'hésitez pas !


Utilitaire de transformation de texte

by fxbis
transforme un fichier texte en un autre formaté

🛠 ❤️ Katmouse - Configurer la roulette de sa souris

by decembre
Configurer la roulette de sa souris, par exemple pouvoir scroller une fenêtre non sélectionnée sous laquelle se trouve le pointeur Alternative:

Media Convert - free and on line

by Elryk & 9 others
Avec une interface ultrasimple, Media-Convert est Ă  mĂŞme de transformer tout type de fichier en un autre format : RAR ZIP MP3 WMV 3GP AMR FLV SWF AMV MOV WMA AVI MPG MP4 DivX MPEG4 iPOD PSP OGG WMA AAC MP4 MPC MMF QCP KAR MIDI REALAUDIO FLAC JPG PSD DOC PDF RTF TXT ODG ODP ODS ODT SXW WK1 M


by rmaltete & 3 others
GPSPhotoLinker can be used to save location and GPS position data to a photo. The latitude and longitude recorded by your GPS unit while you were taking photos can be linked, and saved, to the photos. GPSPhotoLinker automatically enters the city, state, and country annotations into the metadata.

DbVisualizer - The Universal Database Tool

by rmaltete & 3 others
DbVisualizer is a feature rich, intuitive and cross platform database tool for developers and DBA's providing a single powerful interface for a variety of databases. DbVisualizer supports simultaneous database connections, it lets you explore and manage database objects, execute SQL queries, visualize information and a lot more.

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last mark : 29/05/2020 21:19

last mark : 31/12/2014 16:08

last mark : 15/10/2008 17:17

last mark : 16/06/2007 16:18