June 2006
迅雷成立门户:投资人周鸿袆的演讲 - by HUNG
by jackiege我们当年看到迅雷的时候,迅雷只是一个很普通的想法,只是想让中国网民能够快速有效地下载多媒体的功能,这个非常简单,但是迅雷在过去的3年多的时间里面,能够一直很专注地做一件事情,我觉得这样的公司不多。
July 2005
Skype Portal - Jyve
by Hydragon & 13 othersJyve is a free community built around the use of Voice communication (Skype). It is a central meeting place for Skype users that provides a number of features to enhance the experience and entice conversations and discussion between members.
(2 marks)