November 2006
September 2006
Prosper: The online marketplace for people-to-people lending
by jackiege & 6 othersvia WangTam开放性社会化网络应用,用户之间可以直接借贷款项,可自由招贴需要款项金额/利率/用途,愿意借钱的用户可回复,最后选择一到数名债权人来完成借款.点对点借贷方案且还有相应的信用评
August 2006
Krawler[x] home
by jackiege & 1 otherKrawler[x] is a next-generation desktop application that lets you manage & monetize your content by building powerful communities around it.
July 2006
June 2006
迅雷成立门户:投资人周鸿袆的演讲 - by HUNG
by jackiege我们当年看到迅雷的时候,迅雷只是一个很普通的想法,只是想让中国网民能够快速有效地下载多媒体的功能,这个非常简单,但是迅雷在过去的3年多的时间里面,能够一直很专注地做一件事情,我觉得这样的公司不多。
May 2006
Welcome to Zopa - The first lending and borrowing exchange
by jackiege & 8 othersp2p借贷服务/社会化金融服务;网站详细介绍InformaionWeek上文"Peer-To-Peer Finance Connects Borrowers And Lenders"
Prosper: The online marketplace for people-to-people lending
by jackiege & 13 othersp2p借贷服务/社会化金融服务;网站详细介绍InformaionWeek上文"Peer-To-Peer Finance Connects Borrowers And Lenders"
Peer-To-Peer Finance Connects Borrowers And Lenders | InformationWeek
by jackiege社会化的金融借贷活动。谈论的全面且深入。两个网站的业务、商业模式、社会问题以及安全问题(坏帐/诈骗)。从债务双方都收取佣金,Prosper还有会另收延期费用。
(8 marks)