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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "problem solving" & es:math

04 November 2006 21:45

Thinking Blocks Addition & Subtraction

by knann
This interactive program teaches children how to visualize and solve math word problems. Using virtual blocks and cubes, children create models that illustrate the underlying math concepts in word problems. Each Thinking Blocks program contains six guided practice sets and three assessment tests. The addition and subtraction program features models that represent part-whole, comparison, and change situations. The multiplication and division program introduces equal parts, comparisons, and interpreting remainders. Program features include: • Self paced, guided instruction that shows students how to correctly model math word problems • Independent practice sets that challenge students to apply what they’ve learned • Interactive blocks that engage students in the problem solving process • Randomized problem sets that create a different learning experience each time the program is accessed • Video tutorials which help students transition from building concrete models to sketching models on paper • Printable certificates that allow students to keep a record of the work they have completed

22 May 2006 09:30


by knann
Math resource of video clips devoted to mathematics learning! Students call in to the tv host with a math problem. Together the problem is solved step-by-step.

19 December 2005 16:30

The Broken Calculator

by knann (via)
Use the broken calculator to solve your math problems in a creative way. Can you add 2+2 if the addition key is broken? Sure about (3*2)-2 . The answer is the same! Create some challenges for you, your friends, and teachers!

26 October 2005 08:15

Disguise Combos

by knann
How many disguises can you make for each character. Do you notice a pattern?

22 October 2005 13:15

Logic: Cannibals and Missionaries

by knann
Try this...not as easy as it looks! What's your strategy??

22 October 2005 11:45

Flash Math: Follow the Rules

by knann & 1 other
You must follow the rules to get through the maze. Choose easy, medium, hard. Improve your mental math addition and subtraction problem-solving with this game! Demonstrate with projector for whole class in lower grades.

14 October 2005 09:00

Weekly Brain Teasers

by knann (via)
Sharpen your thinking skills for grades 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "problem solving"

addition +   combination problems +   differentiation +   district +   es:math +   esteacher:math +   esvt +   gr3 +   gr4 +   gr5 +   gr6 +   gr7 +   gr8 +   math +   math:games +   ms:math +   mslc +   msvt +   patterns +   projector +   subtraction +   teachers +   videos +   word problems +  

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last mark : 20/01/2007 13:20