public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags "problem solving" & gr5

May 2006


by knann
Math resource of video clips devoted to mathematics learning! Students call in to the tv host with a math problem. Together the problem is solved step-by-step.

December 2005

The Broken Calculator

by knann (via)
Use the broken calculator to solve your math problems in a creative way. Can you add 2+2 if the addition key is broken? Sure about (3*2)-2 . The answer is the same! Create some challenges for you, your friends, and teachers!

CountOn - The Rules of Sudoku

by knann
The rules of the game are simple: each of the nine blocks has to contain all the numbers 1-9 within its squares. Each number can only appear once in a row, column or box. Every puzzle has just one correct solution.

Scholastic's Global Classport

by knann & 1 other (via)
With Scholastic's Global Classport, you can communicate with classrooms in 182 countries, and collaborate with teachers around the world. Note: Remember that your username must include "_scholastic" . Use to connect with other classrooms to solve Math Maven's Mysteries

Math Maven's Mysteries

by knann (via)
This content resource is an index of links to interactive sites, challenging students to solve mysteries using a variety of math principles. Students read the stories, solve the problems, and answer the questions, using clues embedded in the stories to discover the solution. Included are links to a variety of teacher resources.

November 2005

Money and More

by knann
Read the word problem and choose the best strategy for solving the problem.

October 2005

Cyberchase . Games Central | PBS Kids

by knann
Variety of math and problem solving puzzles. Reading required for instructions. Some games appropriate for grade 3 with instruction

Behind the Blob game

by knann
Great number sequence game for whole class instruction. Allows for a variety of patterns that are teacher selected.

Logic: Cannibals and Missionaries

by knann
Try this...not as easy as it looks! What's your strategy??

Weekly Brain Teasers

by knann (via)
Sharpen your thinking skills for grades 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8.

Bright Sparks

by knann
Try these problem solving interactive investigations. You will need to use your logic and reasoning skills to complete the activities. Teacher introduction may be needed. Some actvities may be appropriate for gr4.

July 2005

Atlantic Challenge

by knann
Sir Richard Harmoat-Wilde plans to be the first to cross the Atlantic in a hot air balloon. Half way across disaster strikes - the balloon punctures and begins to lose height. Pupils working together have to find out what the airship is carrying and jettison equipment in order to make it across.


by knann
A thinking for learning activity to encourage group discussion and justification of decision making. 6 people are left on a liferaft, for the raft to stay afloat 2 people must be thrown off.Who will it be? Why? Is it fair? Who should go first? Are some lives less valuable than others?

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "problem solving"

addition +   combination problems +   differentiation +   district +   es:math +   esteacher:math +   esvt +   gr3 +   gr4 +   gr5 +   gr6 +   gr7 +   gr8 +   math +   math:games +   ms:math +   mslc +   msvt +   patterns +   projector +   subtraction +   teachers +   videos +   word problems +  

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last mark : 14/06/2007 13:00