public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from camel with tags ajax & yahoo

February 2007

August 2006

Dynamic TreeView Example

In this example, the TreeView control's dyamic loading functionality is explored. Dynamic loading of child nodes allows you to optmize performance by only loading data for and creating the nodes that will be visible when the tree is rendered.

July 2006

Accueil - Yahoo UI french club

Sur ce wiki est disponible une documentation complète sur Yahoo! UI en français. Cette documentation est plus qu'une traduction, elle est aussi un travail de synthèse de la documentation fournie par Yahoo ! J'invite, et incite toutes les bonnes volontés à enrichir cette documentation, particulièrement à fournir des exemples de codes d'utilisation concrète de cette bibliothèque.

February 2006

Yahoo! UI Library

The Yahoo! User Interface Library is a set of utilities and controls, written in JavaScript, for building richly interactive web applications using techniques such as DOM scripting, HTML and AJAX. The UI Library Utilities facilitate the implementation of rich client-side features by enhancing and normalizing the developer's interface to important elements of the browser infrastructure (such as events, in-page HTTP requests and the DOM). The Yahoo UI Library Controls produce visual, interactive user interface elements on the page with just a few lines of code and an included CSS file. All the components in the Yahoo! User Interface Library have been released as open source under a BSD license and are free for all uses.