linuxwave: Using gnu screen
(via)Screen is a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal between several processes. In short, you can have a few virtual terminal by using only one physical terminal. Screen is useful when you are accessing servers remotely, or running jobs on the background. When you want to run jobs on the background, it is very useful to run it inside one screen so that you can detached it, and simply log out without worry. Below are a few useful command to be used with screen to get you started.
Open-Source Classroom Management With iTALC On Ubuntu 7.10 | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
This document describes how to set up iTALC on Ubuntu 7.10. iTALC is an open-source classroom management solution that lets you view and control other computers in your network. It lets you remote-control other computers, show the teacher's screen on all students' computers, lock workstations, send text-messages to students, power on/off and reboot remote computers, etc.
Cours sur l'outils Gnu Screen pour #ubuntu-fr-classroom.
Cours sur l'outils Gnu Screen pour #ubuntu-fr-classroom.
Mot de passe pour GNU Screen - Yop
On peut utiliser un mot de passe pour "protéger" l'accès à un Screen. (Par exemple dans l'utilisation d'un serveur maintenu par plusieurs administrateurs...)
grep|grrl » Blog Archive » Partager sa souris et son clavier avec Synergy
grep|grrl » Blog Archive » Partager sa souris et son clavier avec Synergy
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