public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from decembre with tags extension & user


EDITOR - CodeMirror - ADDON - User Manual

The addon directory in the distribution contains a number of reusable components that implement extra editor functionality


CSS - USERSTYLES - Code for various Firefox elements? -

You can inspect the Firefox user interface directly with DOM Inspector. (Which is not the same Inspector as in the Web Developer menu.) [] the icon in the upper-left corner of DOMi, the one with a pointer on it, then click anywhere in the browser to select an element; that element will be highlighted in the left column. Right-click the highlighted entry to display a context menu: "Copy Selector" suggests selectors for the element, "Set Pseudo-classes..." lets you switch on :hover. Notice that the browser itself is a document with its own URI, chrome://browser/content/browser.xul, Most of the browser chrome is XUL, but some, such as the Stylish editor, is HTML embedded in XUL.


BIB - Greasemonkey Script - Exemple - (Videotheque) - Recherche de Films sur IMDB reliée à Une Bibliothèque - (Lycoming County Library System Search 1.0)

Un exemple de possibilité de liens ajoutés pour une recheche de films sur "Internet Movie Data Base" qui donne accés au catalogue en ligne d'une bibliothèque... A étudier Pendant la consultation d'un titre sur IMDB, il place un lien vers une recherche pour ledit titre dans la bibliothèque du comté de Lycoming System (Pennsylvanie). While viewing a title on IMDB, it will place a link to a search for said title in the Lycoming County Library System (Pennsylvania).


Flickr: Discussing GM Script: Flickr More Sparkles in Flickr Hacks

This is a gm script that will add sparklines for the last 28 days views of each photos (if stats are enabled for you)

Flickr Fav Set in Flickr Hacks____Flickr: Discussing GM Script

Flickr Fav Set allows you to manage your favorites using FavSet, is a set for favorites. For more details, see this post or tutorial (available in Japanese/English). Here is some screenshots of my favorites page after installed script.


Flickr: Discussing GM script: Flickr Photoset RSS Feed Links in Flickr Hacks

Install the Install scriptFlickr photoset feed links Greasemonkey script. After installing the script, when visiting a flickr user's photoset page, you will see the feed links at the bottom of the page. Clicking on these links will take you to the RSS feed of that photoset, to which you may then subscribe.

Flickr Cross-Recommendations –

Adds a "People who faved this also faved..." panel to photos on Flickr

FlickrMailManager –

Adds some options to help manage your Flickr mailbox. Including "Mark all as read" and delete all Notification emails, such as "you are x's newest contact" and Group Invitations, and also a "Nuke mailbox" function, that deletes all your mails

Flickr: Inline text editor - for photo comments, groups + help forum –

Lets you easily re-edit or delete your flickr group, help forum and photo comments without leaving the current page you are on. Features Inline Edit : When you click the edit button of a comment under a photo, in a group or in the help forum a textarea is inserted where your post was, containing your post, enabling you to quickly edit and resubmit it without leaving the page you are on. Particularly useful for group admins. Search and Replace : Lets you search and replace text in your post. Inline Delete : The script changes the delete link below group or forum posts and photo comments, so that it deletes the post without leaving the current page, especially useful for group adminstrators. Updates 19th March 2008 : updated to work with latest version of GM 23rd May 2008 : updated to work with all international versions of the site :) 5th June 2008 : updated to work on photo comments

warn+delete GreasmonkeyScript By Schmickr:

warn+delete : Send messages to group members and optionally eject or ban them at the same time. This script is a modified version of Steeev's famous script. My version lets you save messages with a label to make it easier to identify saved messages. It also has less aggressive defaults.

Flickr: Discussing Flickr linked @reply (GM script) in Flickr Hacks

Adds a little (reply) button beneath the buddy icon of the author of every post/comment in a Flickr photo/photoset/group/forum discussion. Clicking (reply) inserts into your reply HTML-code that displays the commenter's username and links back to the comment being replied to. The script works in group discussions, help fora, and in photo and photoset comments i.e. everywhere :) — it even works when the reply-box is on another page! The @reply template may be customized via the script-commands menu (Tools ▶ Greasemonkey ▶ Script Commands)… so whether the scripts inserts @user, user, user:, @user, @user, or possibly even @user, is up to you. The template may even contain HTML code, e.g. to style the username in italics. Inside the reply-box, the formatted @reply is inserted at the cursor’s position. However, if any text inside the reply-box is selected, the template is ignored, and instead, clicking on (reply) makes that selected text link to the post/comment you’re replying to.

Flickr Inline Forum Post Editor - Lets you edit or delete your posts without leaving the page you are on in Flickr Hacks

You can also delete your posts, or if you are a group admin others posts, without leaving the page you are on. Ive also added a search and replace function.


❤️ FLICKR - ONLINE - Favorite Finder from BigHugeLabs

Montrez toutes les photos appartenant à un utilisateur qu'un autre utilisateur a marquées en tant que favoris. Vous pouvez employer l' username, l’email, ou l'ID de chaque faire la recherche inversé .Très instructif.

Flickr unknown reverse contacts –

On your flickr reverse contacts page, the names of those who are not on your contact list appear in red. The flickr reverse contacts page, found at lists all your reverse contacts i.e. all the people t

Flickr photoset RSS feed___Extension greasemonkey

Embeds inside a Flickr photoset page a link to an RSS feed of photos in that set.

FLICKR - OLD - GM Script: Show All Photos by User in Group Pool on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

I wrote a GreaseMonkey Script for Flickr called "Show all in pool by user". When you are browsing a group pool and click on a photo, the script adds a link that when clicked will take you to that group's pool page, showing all the images that user has sub

Flickr: Flickr Enhancing Tools - Discussing Flickr Enhancing Tools in FlickrCentral

I’ve consolidated some of the best photo enhancing tools available on the net...yea for free!!! (Everyone loves this magic word)

FLICKR - OLD - Buddy Last Activity on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Check when a Flickr user last commented or faved one of your photo (if ever) from the buddy menu.The script checks in the last 31 days.

FLICKR - OLD - USERSCRIPT - Flickr Backlink Comment Reply

Greasemonkey script that inserts those (reply) links under every buddy icon in the comments list to do exactly what is explained in the screenshot. Works in photo as well as in group discussions.

Flickr: Hide Image Comments using RIP - Discussing Hide Image Comments using RIP in Flickr Hacks

If you hate seeing invite or award images in comments: solution using this extension, Remove it Permanently, and the rules I came up with you shouldn't have to see them . Instructions and the RIP rules on my blog.

"Also Starring" Greasemonkey Script on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Do your photos ever feature other Flickr users? Just tag the photo with something like "flickr:folk=screen_name_of_that_user_goes_here" and her avatar will show up right under the picture, with a convenient link to her profile. Install:

Flickr Auto Tag 0.4 - 6V8 - Production of my Mind

Participating in "playing" groups like Let’s Play Tag requires you to place tags on other people photos. And it’s always the same tags.This greasemonkey script allows you to save combinations of tags and quickly reuse them.

Upcoming Event information 0.2 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

This is a Greasemonkey script for Firefox that will show details of the event a photo is attached to.This is based on the new tagging notation introduced this week by flickr and upcoming (but also supports the old notation upcoming:event_id):

Flickr Buddy Interestingness on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

This script will add a new item to the buddy menu that gives you a quick access to the 25 most interesting photos of the given user.