GOOGLE - PRIVACY - Google may track your location even if you disable Location tracking - gHacks Tech News
There is a way to disable the saving of data. Users need to point their browsers to Google's Activity Controls web page.
There they may turn off Web / App Activity, and Location History.
Note that disabling the features may result in functionality loss; some Google services may provide less-personalized results when you pause the two features.
Tip: You can pause all sorts of activity recorders on the site including the YouTube Watch and Search History as well. Check out our overview of Google's Activity Controls here.
Pausing Web & App Activity, and Location History seems to be the only way that prevents Google from recording location-based information.
15 Tools for Monitoring a Website’s Popularity - Six Revisions
by 1 otherTo help you make design and development decisions. Knowing what websites work and which ones tank can give you insights and inspiration on what design elements, website features, and website content is effective. 1. Yahoo! Site Explorer__2. Compete__3. Quantcast__ 1. Yahoo! Site Explorer 2. Compete__4. Alexa__5. Feed Compare__6. popuri.us__7. socialmeter__ 8. TweetVolume__9. Quarkbase__10. BlogPulse Profiles__11. Technorati Blogging Central 12. Statbrain.com__13. Cubestat____14. dnScoop__15. WebsiteOutlook To help you in your analysis, here are 15 top-notch, free, and simple web tools to help you learn more about a particular website.
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