public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from mbertier with tags "groupe:clever age" & slides

August 2007

Target Practice - A Workshop in Tuning MySQL Queries - Jay Pipes

I gave a tutorial at OSCON last week on tuning MySQL queries, the EXPLAIN statement, the optimizer, and benchmarking. I've gone ahead and put the tutorial materials online now:

MySQL Performance Blog » Landscape of Transactional Storage Engines for MySQL

talks about current state behavior and performance properties of Innodb, Falcon, PBXT and SolidDB Storage Engines

May 2007

Premature Optimization » Zend_Search_Lucene talk slides

by 2 others
I think that my main goal, which was to show how easy it is to start indexing existing content, was acheived and several people came to me and said they thing Zend_Search_Lucene is one killer component.

February 2007

Migrating to PHP 5.2.1 Slides - iBlog - Ilia Alshanetsky

The slides for the Migrating to 5.2.1 from the Vancouver conference are now available, they can be found here:

November 2006

A Day In Paradise » ZendCon / PHP Conference Slides UP

My ZendCon and PHP Conference slides are up. Moving to PHP5 with Style Planning a PHP4 -> PHP5 platform Rewrite Advanced PHP Tools (tutorial)

June 2006

March 2006

George's Talks

I have given a number of presentations, both at conferences and internally at various jobs. Where possible I've made available both the presentations themselves as well as written notes available.