public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from mimieganz with tags jewelry & "wedding ring"

05 April 2007

rare diamond

When you walk into a jewelry store and see all the diamonds in all of the various settings that are for sale, it is difficult to realize that diamonds are indeed rare. Most people don’t even stop to consider how that diamond came to be sitting in that jeweler’s case! There is quite a bit of work that is donebefore a diamond is ready to sell to the general public!

31 March 2007

fashion jewelry

Choosing the perfect wedding rings is often one of the firstimportant decisions the couple will make. It is important,therefore, to give this important decision the respect itdeserves. Shopping for a wedding ring as a couple makes a lot ofsense, since it allows both the man and the woman to choosejewelry that meets their unique style.

25 March 2007

gemstone ring

Diamond and Gemstone Rings are both beautiful and unique. Thereare so many styles, cuts, and weights that is hard to choosejust one. Let's take a look at what a diamond is and brieflydiscuss what gemstones are. We can then progress to discussingdiamond rings and gemstone rings or any combination of the two.