public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags ajax & mozilla


ARIA: Accessible Rich Internet Applications - MDC

by 1 other
ARIA, formerly known as DHTML accessibility, is a standard being developed at W3C - World Wide Web Consortium


Mozilla Update :: Extensions -- More Info:FireBug - All Releases

by 6 others (via)
FireBug is a new tool that aids with debugging Javascript, DHTML, and Ajax. It is like a combination of the Javascript Console, DOM Inspector, and a command line Javascript interpreter.


Developer Webwatch : votre agrégateur va adorer ;-) - Standblog - Tristan Nitot sur les standards du W3C, les navigateurs et la technologie

by 1 other (via)
Developer Webwatch de la Mozilla Foundation (il y a bien sûr un Flux RSS2 WebWatch). WebWatch aborde les sujets du développement Web façon 2.0 (faute de trouver un meilleur nom) : Ajax, standards, technologies XML, etc.