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Sencha - CSS3 Ads Versus Flash Ads

Démonstration des capacités de CSS3 pour remplacer Flash dans les publicités Web


The Lightbox Clones Matrix « planetOzh

"Comparison of various scripts that display images and other objects in somehow cool CSS popups"

La gendarmerie nationale sauve son projet Java EE en se convertissant au PHP

En 2005 la gendarmerie lance Puls@r, un projet Java EE pour remplacer l’application de gestion du service des brigades. Les aléas rencontrés ont poussé les gendarmes à se doter d’une plate-forme de développement continu pour PHP.


REST vs. WS-*: War is Over (If You Want It) :: David Chappell :: Blog

by 1 other
REST is for data-oriented applications that focus on create/read/update/delete scenarios. Solution based on WS-* for service/method-oriented applications, especially those that need more advanced behaviors such as transactions and more-than-basic security

Ian Foster: Web Fundamentalism

A hallmark of fundamentalism is a desire to apply simple rules ("programs are declarative," "there is no operation but POST", "services are stateless") to all situations. But computing is a large and varied world, with few opportunities for absolutist statements.


The Cafes » REST vs. WS-*: A Parable

by 1 other (via)
A couple of years ago Water Supply-Strategic Tactical Air Recycling (WS-STAR) opened up a branch in our town. WS-* (as my IM crazy kids would type) came about from the merger of Secure Operations Air and Power (SOAP) with Expert Machine Lubrication: Radiators, Power, and Cooling (XML-RPC).

Comparing XSLT and XQuery

by 1 other (via)
XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 have been developed by two Working Groups in close collaboration, and there is a high degree of overlap in the functionality of the two languages. They share many common concepts, such as the underlying data model, and they both include the whole of XPath 2.0 as a sublanguage, together with its extensive repertoire of data types and the associated function library.

Version Control Systems Comparison

by 10 others (via)
This is a comparison of version-control systems. It is split into several categories and sub-categories under which the systems are checked.