27 April 2011 09:45
How to access Gmail’s new iPad interface on your Mac « Blog « Peter Upfold
I put together a short screencast on how to access Gmail’s new iPad interface on your Mac. If you’re a fan of Gmail’s web interface on the iPad and would like to use it on your desktop computer too, this is a cool trick.
27 April 2011 09:30
Sparrow — The new mail for Mac
by 3 othersSparrow is a minimalist mail application designed to keep things simple and efficient.
No fancy stuff here… just your email and nothing else.
27 April 2011 09:00
How to use the iPad Gmail UI on Mac with Fluid - Matthew Lowery
Some of you may love the UI of Gmail for iPad. Unfortunately not all of us have iPads, but now we can settle for the second best thing: imitation!
27 April 2011 08:45
Mailplane - the best way to use Gmail on the Mac
by 12 othersLove Gmail? Mailplane makes Gmail even better.
Watch the two minute Mailplane video.
Save time and send attachments from anywhere. Save time and send optimized attachments from anywhere.
Easily switch between different Gmail accounts Easily switch between different Gmail accounts
Get notifications and never miss an important message Get notifications and never miss an important message
Link Gmail conversations with Mac documents Link Gmail conversations with Mac documents
Personalize your messages with formatted signatures Personalize your messages with formatted signatures
Make Mailplane your default Mail client Make Mailplane your default email client
Compare Mailplane vs. Gmail in a web browser.
(4 marks)