public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from smartestbiz with tags general & advertising

January 2009

What Are The Secret Factors Of Good SEO

by 1 other
Search engine optimisation is the combination of different aspects, including the on page factors and off page factors. It covers the vast areas from rectifying META tags to the link building and the ROI (Return on Investment) analysis. Below we are su...

How to integrate internet communication online

by 1 other
The issue of internet advertising effectiveness is part of the broader question about the effectiveness of advertising in general. As a result, internet advertising effectiveness should be examined in a similar fashion as traditional advertising.

The Trend Of Consumer Purchasing On The Internet

There is a very big trend shift in the conventional business practices. There are now businesses are coming on the internet or online to perform or sell their products. Despite the increase in use and popularity of the Internet over the last few years,...

December 2008

How to use the Internet for small and mid-sized businesses

by 1 other
Small and mid-sized businesses are performing the business activity by selling the products or rendering the services to the ultimate consumers. The small and mid-sized businesses will be doing their businesses at best but they can more streamline thei...

November 2008

Revealed: The Impact and Issues Of Internet Marketing

by 1 other
Whatever strategy is adopted with respect to technology and marketing, skill development should be an immediate concern because of the long gestation period for investments in human resources. The emerging trend points towards a shift from the mass pro...