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October 2009

Tips On Publishing Effective Classified Ads

by 1 other
Creating good classified ads to promote one of a multitude of items attainable on free classified sites is a talent that you can get the hang of pretty easily. Elaborate as it may well appear, all you actually need to do is stick to a few easy tips pre...

February 2009

Pest and Diseases of Grapes

by 1 other
The aim here is to produce a vine shaped like an open bush. The rods are allowed to grow naturally for the first year after planting. The rods are then cut back to within two buds of their base in January.

Tips on Planting Blackcurrants in Your Garden

by 1 other
Each year, in February, hoof and horn meal should be applied at the rate of about 3 oz. to the sq. yard. This is distributed over the straw and is allowed to wash in. On very light land, likely to be low in potash, wood ashes may be applied at lb. to t...