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PUBLIC MARKS from camel with tags css & ie


PrettyPhoto - a jQuery Lightbox clone

by 3 others, 1 comment
PrettyPhoto - a jQuery Lightbox clone July 13th, 2008 in Javascript | Tags: Gallery, jQuery | No Responses A new version 2.1 of prettyPhoto released. Descriptions/Titles now support html code. Usage is simple, just include the jQuery library, prettyPhoto javascript and the prettyPhoto CSS file and add rel=”prettyPhoto” to any picture you want to activate the prettyPhoto feature. If you want the images to be a part of a gallery, just add the gallery name in braket. Tested and working in Firefox 2-3 (Mac/PC), Safari 3.1.1 (Mac), IE 6-7. Uncompressed version - script: 16kb / CSS: 8kb, compressed size - script: 8kb / CSS: 3.8kb.

Smashing Coding » 5 astuces pour améliorer la compatibilité CSS de Internet Explorer

by 3 others
le cauchemar de tout intégrateur Web, c’est bien ce fichu internet Explorer qui ne comprend rien à rien aux CSS. Pire avec l’arrivée de IE7, on se retrouve avec 2 navigateurs traduisant votre mise en forme à leur façon


by 19 others
IE7 is a JavaScript library to make MSIE behave like a standards-compliant browser. It fixes many CSS issues and makes transparent PNG work correctly under IE5 and IE6.

ie7-js - Google Code

by 14 others (via)
IE7 is a JavaScript library to make Microsoft Internet Explorer behave like a standards-compliant browser. It fixes many HTML and CSS issues and makes transparent PNG work correctly under IE5 and IE6.


jQuery.ifixpng - png transparency for windows ie versions below 6

by 10 others (via)
As you know IE versions below 6 do not support png transparency. This plugin designed to fix that problem by applying appropriate filters to user specified elements, while keeping all element tags intact. Plugin works well with both img elements within the DOM and css properties specified externally. • It is chainable. • Unlike some other png hack solutions, it does not replace/hide any of your html tags. • You can revert applied changes using .iunfixpng(). • Extremely easy to use!


by 1 other
Fix png sur ie

CSS: Pseudo classes sur Internet Explorer –

Grâce aux expressions CSS d’Internet Explorer, il y a moyen de simuler les pseudo-classes qui ne sont pas supportées par IE6.

EditCSS, version bookmarklet pour Internet Explorer - ItinéraireLibre

EditCSS, version bookmarklet pour Internet Explorer - ItinéraireLibre


Fix min-* et max-* en javascript - curio'site, blog de François Simond

by 2 others
Un fix pour faire marcher les prorpriétés : * min-height * max-height * min-width * min-height Sous IE, et peut être Konqueror et Safari ?

'position:fixed' in Internet Explorer

by 2 others (via)
Mise en page avec élément fixe sous IE.