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PUBLIC MARKS from camel with tags web & test


Pagetest web page performance test

by 4 others
PageTest allows you to provide the URL of a webpage to be tested. The test will be conducted from the location specified and you will be provided a waterfall of your page load performance as well as a comparison against an optimization checklist.

Selenium, testez fonctionnellement vos applications web (partie 2/2) - Un Electron Libre...

Suite de notre épopée sur Selenium, l’outil de test fonctionnel pour des applications web


Votre site web est-il en bonne santé ? - 60 questions, le blog

Je viens de rédiger un article à l'adresse d'un magazine spécialisé dans le secteur médical et hospitalier. Mais il se peut que cet article intéresse un public plus large de webmasters. Pour établir un diagnostic objectif de la santé d'un site, je recommande quatre actions complémentaires, qui sont développées dans l'article : 1. Evaluer la qualité 2. Observer les pratiques concurrentes 3. Mesurer la fréquentation et la popularité 4. Effectuer un test utilisateur


Sahi - Introduction

by 1 other
Sahi is an automation and testing tool for web applications, with the facility to record and playback scripts. Developed in java and javascript, this tool uses simple javascript to execute events on the browser. Features include, in-browser controls, text based scripts, ant support for playback of suites of tests, and multi threaded playback. It supports HTTP and HTTPS. Sahi runs as a proxy server and the browser needs to use the sahi server as its proxy. Sahi then injects javascript so that it can access elements in the webpage. This makes the tool independent of the website/ web application.

AWBot - Free web site/application tester (GNU GPL).

by 3 others
AWBot is an easy to use tool to test a web site.: AWbot connects to your web site and make URL requests like any other visitors. AWBot is not a web indexing robot but a web client tool that emulate some visitors browsing on your web site to test its stability after a development change, to test its reliability and/or response to heavy load. You choose which pages you want to test in a test/config file (parameters in URLs or forms can be easily supplied). Then you can launch AWbot as often as you want to test your site, get benchmarks information or make some load benchmarking (AWBot can be launched with several simultaneous process).

WebInject - (HTTP) Web Application and Web Services Test Tool

by 9 others
WebInject is a free tool for automated testing of web applications and web services. It can be used to test individual system components that have HTTP interfaces (JSP, ASP, CGI, PHP, Servlets, HTML Forms, XML/SOAP Web Services, etc), and can be used as a test harness to create a suite of [HTTP level] automated functional, acceptance, and regression tests. A test harness, also referred to as a test driver or a test framework, allows you to run many test cases and collect/report your results. WebInject offers real-time results display and may also be used for monitoring system response times. WebInject can be used as a complete test framework that is controlled by the WebInject User Interface (GUI). Optionally, it can be used as a standalone test runner (text/console application) which can be integrated and called from other test frameworks or applications.

Outil de test de montée en charge et de stress des applications Web - NeoLoad

by 2 others
NeoLoad simule des centaines d'utilisateurs sur votre application web afin de tester sa performance et sa fiabilité en condition de stress. Avant le deploiement de votre application en production, il vous permet de répondre aux questions suivantes: * Mon application va t'elle s'écrouler en charge ? * Mes prérequis de performance vont-ils être respectés ? * Combien d'utilisateurs simultanés mon site web peut-il gérer ?