public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags interface & apple


Nouvel iPod Shuffle, un grand pas pour l'accessibilité

Avec des commandes aussi simples et une interface vocale, le nouveau lecteur MP3 d'Apple va faire des heureux !


Apple Human Interface Guidelines: Making Design Decisions

When making design decisions regarding features in your application, it’s important to weigh the costs, not all of which are financial, against the potential benefits. Every time you add a feature to your application, the following things can happen: * Your application gets larger. * Your application gets slower. * Your application’s human interface becomes more complex. * You spend time developing new features rather than refining existing features. * Your application’s documentation and help become more extensive. * You run the risk of introducing changes that could adversely affect existing features. * You increase the time required to validate the behavior of your application.