public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags magazine & art


125 Magazine for iPad on the iTunes App Store

125 is a magazine for people who love photography, design, fashion, art and visual culture presented in a grownup package that will entertain, enlighten and provoke debate.


The Great Discontent

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The Great Discontent is a journal focusing on creativity, risk, and what connects us as artists.


Vice Magazine

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Le magazine VICE est publié depuis octobre 1994. Originalement appelé Voice et imprimé en format fanzine, son ton intransigeant a immédiatement séduit les Montréalais anglophones dès sa première publication (oui, VICE est Montréalais d’origine). Aujourd'hui le magazine est distribué dans plus de vingt pays et son imprimé a atteint une circulation mondiale d’un million de copies. La version française de Vice magazine, lancée en Mars 2007, est tirée chaque mois à 80 000 exemplaires, distribués via un réseau national de 500 points (boutiques, galeries d'art, magasins de disques, bars, clubs...).


pablo internacional magazine

A group exhibition, curated by Pablo Internacional Magazine, focusing on the modification of homo-sexual practices in cities in the age of gay marriage, gaydar and invigilated public space. Glory Hole Includes work by avaf, Guilherme Altmayer, Fernando Arias, Elmgreen & Dragset, Dino Dinco, Gil Doron, No Bra, Giles Round, Reclaim the Square, Dean Sameshima, Straight To Hell, and Donald Urquhart. with texts by Mark Turner and Jeffrey Walkowiak

Devora ran * A Sex Culture Magazine

Devora ran magazine about the culture of sex. devora ran is more than porn, it doesn't depict posing models, but explores sex in art and real people's sexuality


Welcome to the online version of 125, the only magazine in the world, which acts as a completely unbiased photography gallery, open to both emerging and established artists, and making affordable art available to all. We are dedicated to providing a platform for artists to produce work that would not be viable in conventional magazines and are proud to have published work by 140 different contributors from across the globe resulting in the most open minded and truly fascinating publication in the world, a magazine that sits alongside the most expensive "coffee-table books" and leaves most in its wake.


Décod'Art, magazine en ligne pour expliquer l'art.

by 1 other
Chaque trimestre, un magazine pour comprendre l'art d'aujourd'hui à la lumière des oeuvres du passé.


W W W . B E A U T I F U L D E C A Y . C O M

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Founded on the theory that " if you can't find it, You make it", Beautiful/Decay was created to bridge the gap between art and graffiti, underground and mainstream, design and fine art, Punk rock and hip hop, illustration and design, and most importantly high and low art. With a focus on cutting edge work in all the aforementioned genres, B/D strives to showcase new and emerging artwork Whether it be Interior or exterior.