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PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags magazine & ipad


Professeur Cyclope - Magazine de bandes dessinées et de fictions numériques | Echappées culturelles | fr - ARTE

A l'origine de Professeur Cyclope, un collectif d'auteurs qui cherche à retrouver le goût et l'esprit des anciens magazines de BD. Aujourd’hui que la presse se porte mal, ceux-ci ont peu à peu disparu et laissé un vide. Professeur Cyclope veut être au numérique ce que ces magazines étaient à la presse. Avec le support tablette et smartphone, Professeur Cyclope s'offre un terrain de jeu inédit et enthousiasmant pour ses auteurs.


125 Magazine for iPad on the iTunes App Store

125 is a magazine for people who love photography, design, fashion, art and visual culture presented in a grownup package that will entertain, enlighten and provoke debate.

Inquire | The magazine of inquisitive journalism & intelligent photography.

by 1 other (via)
Inquire – previously named Auto de Fe – is a cross-platform magazine of inquisitive journalism and intelligent photography. We publish investigative reporting, compelling reportage, multimedia, interviews, profiles and in-depth photojournalism from around the world.

The New Economics of Photojournalism: The Death of Once Magazine - British Journal of Photography

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Once Magazine, which launched a year ago at Visa pour l'Image, promised to offer a new revenue stream for photographers by publishing their work on the iPad. Last month, however, Once closed its doors. The magazine's editor, John Knight, tells BJP what went wrong

A Turn of the Page for Newsweek - The Daily Beast

We are announcing this morning an important development at Newsweek and The Daily Beast. Newsweek will transition to an all-digital format in early 2013. As part of this transition, the last print edition in the United States will be our Dec. 31 issue.


Marie Claire's Anti-Apple Maneuver | Adweek

Marie Claire is becoming the latest publisher to seek an alternative to Apple’s walled garden. The fashion magazine has optimized for the iPad, giving it a Flipboard-like look that’s designed for the tablet. Marie Claire created the site using technology company Onswipe, which expects to roll it out to other devices as well.

Suitcase Type Foundry - iPad application

A new generation of type specimens. Type Specimen is the first font viewer for iPad, revolutionizing the way digital fonts are presented today. It's an ideal tool for people who need to select fonts for projects - be it magazine design, corporate identity design, web applications, or book typesetting. Type Specimen is a quick and easy way to navigate the type foundry, containing over two hundred original font styles. Type Specimen allows you to categorize individual fonts, make comparisons, or see details of specific glyphs. All of this for free of course.


Information Architects – iPad App Sales Numbers: WIRED vs. Writer

We’re tracking the performance of iA Writer with this wonderful app called AppViz. AppViz not only allows you to track your own sales—you can also use it to evaluate how much other apps make. If you have comparable sales numbers. My first question was: How much does WIRED make? Here is the answer:

Conde Nast Gives Advice on What Works in iPad Ads - Digits - WSJ

“We’re completely in agreement with advertisers” on wanting better metrics, said Scott McDonald, senior vice president of market research at Conde Nast. “Our problem is coming to an agreement with Apple.” Mr. McDonald said Conde Nast has made “a lot of progress” in talks with Apple on this issue.

France: La presse quotidienne nationale travaille à un kiosque numérique pour 2011 (source: « I am a Bridge (Hugues Rey Blog)

NUMERIQUE. Alors que le Syndicat de la presse quotidienne régionale lancera jeudi 23 septembre son kiosque numérique, permettant de télécharger trente-quatre quotidiens sur l’Ipad (pour 0,79 euros l’exemplaire), la presse quotidienne nationale s’organise pour proposer dès 2011 la vente d’exemplaires à l’acte pour les tablettes et les smartphones, puis des articles délinéarisés et des «packages d’actualité» rassemblant plusieurs éditeurs. Le Figaro, Libération, Les Echos, Le Parisien et L’Equipe ont signé en ce sens un accord de principe en vue d’un protocole d’accord de Groupement d’intérêt économique. Le Monde a demandé un délai avant de se déterminer en raison de son nouvel actionnariat. Baptisé E-Presse Premium et chapeauté par Frédéric Filloux, le GIE pourrait s’élargir aux news magazines et s’interconnecter avec l’offre de PQR.

Le Figaro - Médias & Publicité : La presse régionale crée son kiosque en ligne

Les différents syndicats de presse quotidienne régionale, nationale et magazine planchent sur la création de telles plates-formes de distribution numérique.

A Reality Check For Magazine Sales On the iPad - Matt Kinsman - Blogs emedia and Technology @

The launch of Wired’s iPad app in June was heralded as a new dawn for magazine publishers: the app generated 100,000 downloads, exceeding print single copy sales (which reached 77,443 in June, according to the Audit Bureau of Circulations), without cannibalizing print.

García Media | Homepage

print Redesigning newspapers and magazines to engage and inform today’s hurried readers. online Creating user experiences that reach new media consumers more effectively. mobile Providing cutting-edge ideas for mobile content delivery to mobile devices.

What If the iPad Magazine is Already Obsolete? |

Ever since the iPad was announced, there has been no end of talk about how it and other tablets represent the future of magazines. As it turns out, this is now partly true. Magazines, in the form of apps, are plentiful on the iPad, and if nothing else, they’re certainly a new way to experience a magazine. The 7″-9″ screen is a good size for viewing mixed content and the touch screen makes scrolling through a magazine feel familiar and obvious, yet still novel.

iPad as the new Flash – Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report

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iPad. Never have so many embraced a great product for exactly the wrong reasons. Too many designers and publishers see the iPad as an opportunity to do all the wrong things—things they once did in Flash—without the taint of Flash.

Condé Nast Study Concludes iPad Is Not A Mobile Device (At Least Not Now) | paidContent

There have been over 3.8 million downloads of Condé Nast apps on the iPad and iPhone since the publisher began rolling them out. Over the past few months, Condé Nast has been surveying readers of its GQ, Vanity Fair, Wired and Glamour apps and has found that these users are generally not the early-adopters or Apple (NSDQ: AAPL) fanboys the publisher expected.

Is This Really The Future of Magazines or Why Didn’t They Just Use HTML 5?

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I just downloaded the Wired iPad application, and like most iPad applications (and most magazines for that matter), I found myself bored with it within the first 20 minutes. I’m sure the content is engaging, I’m sure the articles are worth reading – but I am stumped as to why I would chose this over the physical magazine itself, or their website for that matter. In fact, for reasons I’ll get into below, I’m starting to believe that the physical magazine’s “interface” is vastly superior to it’s iPad cousin.

iPad vs Magazines | Printing Choice

Every magazine on the iPad also has a website which contains most or all content from each issue. For free. Additionally, the lack of subscription options creates a price disparity for magazine/app buyers. To match the magazine industry’s $4.5 billion annual print revenue, 900 million $4.99 iPad apps would need to be sold. (Or, assuming publishers could make $25 per issue per subscriber in advertising, they’d need to sell 54 magazine apps to every iPad owner, for $4.99 each)

Other Edition | Reading Room

Other Edition is the leading developer of iPad, iPhone and digital magazine experiences - working with publishers and titles in over 20 countries and with brands to create great experiences for digital and mobile audiences. Our magazines have an audience of 4.3 million people - this audience is global, growing fast, and they are "super-influencers". Working with Apple, one of our main titles - the revolutionary culture, entertainment and fashion title, Interview magazine - is presented in over 210 Apple storefronts worldwide. Apple showcase it on gigantic iPads as "the best way to enjoy your favorite magazines". We agree - our iPad platform featured in Apple stores is our 1.0 experience, September marks the launch of our third generation 3.0 reader experience. This third generation platform launches 10 new functionalities including multitouch, broadcasting, shopping, dynamic navigation, enhanced in-page video play, brand channels, better in-app browsing, engaging new page-turn in landscape mode, and a subscription service.

AdobeTV | Digital Publishing

Learn how Adobe helps publishers and advertisers take books, magazines, and newspapers beyond print to create revolutionary digital experiences for a wide range of screens and devices.

Digital Publishing - Introducing the Adobe Digital Magazine Workflow | Adobe TV

See how you can use InDesign CS5 and the new Digital Publishing Platform from Adobe to add media-rich content and interactivity to a magazine, and then distribute it to a wide range of screens and devices.

Interview Magazine First Mag for Ipad | TrendLand -> Fashion Blog & Trend Magazine

Last month CondeNast announced iPad versions of 5 of their titles were being prepped,(not for Vogue and W yet!) . Interview, however, is taking the plunge. Back in February, a video demo of their iPad app ( see below) , showing the photography and text of the magazine intermixed with video and audio content.