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PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags privacy & facebook

June 2014

Facebook turns user tracking 'bug' into data mining 'feature' for advertisers | ZDNet

Facebook announced changes to its privacy and advertising policies on its company blog last Thursday, extending Facebook's ability to track users outside of Facebook -- undoing previous assurances it "does not track users across the web."

April 2014

February 2014

danah boyd | apophenia » Social Steganography: Learning to Hide in Plain Sight

Carmen and her mother are close. As far as Carmen’s concerned, she has nothing to hide from her mother so she’s happy to have her mom as her ‘friend’ on Facebook. Of course, Carmen’s mom doesn’t always understand the social protocols on Facebook and Carmen sometimes gets frustrated. She hates that her mom comments on nearly every post, because it “scares everyone away…Everyone kind of disappears after the mom post…It’s just uncool having your mom all over your wall. That’s just lame.” Still, she knows that her mom means well and she sometimes uses this pattern to her advantage. While Carmen welcomes her mother’s presence, she also knows her mother overreacts. In order to avoid a freak out, Carmen will avoid posting things that have a high likelihood of mother misinterpretation. This can make communication tricky at times and Carmen must work to write in ways that are interpreted differently by different people.

December 2013

What You Look Like to a Social Network

This infographic allows you to explore the categories of information that various social networks make available to other applications. If you log in to a Web site with your Twitter account, this is what Twitter sends about you to the site. If you play Farmville on Facebook, this is what is sent to Farmville. Those applications, in turn, often give data about your activities back to the social network. These exchanges of information take place through what’s known as an application programming interface, or an A.P.I. Read more here. (To use the infographic, click to zoom in and see specific fields; click on the black bar to zoom back out.)

October 2013

TRAÎTRISE – La sœur de Mark Zuckerberg s’élève contre l’addiction aux réseaux sociaux | Big Browser

Cette année, le repas de Thanksgiving risque d'être tendu chez les Zuckerberg. Directrice marketing de Facebook jusqu'en 2011 et désormais entrepreneuse indépendante, Randi Zuckerberg, la sœur de Mark, publie un livre pour enfants (à paraître le 5 novembre) qui explique les dangers de l'abus d'utilisation d'Internet et critique l'addiction aux réseaux sociaux, relate le New York Magazine.

June 2013

Juan Enriquez: Votre vie sur internet, indélébile comme un tatouage. | Video on

Et si Andy Warhol avait tort, et qu'au lieu d'un quart d'heure de célébrité nous n'avions qu'un quart d'heure d'anonymat ? Dans cette courte intervention, Juan Enriquez parle des effets étonnamment permanents de la divulgation numérique de notre vie privée. Il nous donne les clés des Grecs anciens pour nous aider à gérer nos nouveaux "tatouages électroniques". Juan Enriquez thinks and writes about profound changes that genomics will bring in business, technology, and society. Full bio »