public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from srcmax with tags developpement & iphone


A pixel is not a pixel is not a pixel - QuirksBlog

Yesterday John Gruber wrote about the upped pixel density in the upcoming iPhone (960x640 instead of 480x320), and why Apple did this. He also wondered what the consequences for web developers would be.

Doing it right: skipping the iPhone url bar

With some mobile web sites when visited on the iPhone, you may want to skip past the url bar (something I'm not sure if it's possible, or even worth doing on other mobiles). There's a simple solution to doing this, but doing it right is the real trick.

A fix for iPhone viewport scale bug | Web, Mobile Development

Jeremy first raised his concern (about iPhone viewport scaling) and later by Andreas. My early view was stated here. Since this issue was raised, I have been trying to find ways to work around this problem. Below is a proof of concept of how to preserve the accessibility (scaling) without affecting the usability for the majority.


65 vidéos pour apprendre à développer en Objective-C - La Ferme du web

by 1 other

Voici une liste de 65 tutorials vidéos vous permettant d'apprendre à développer en Objective-C pour ensuite pouvoir créer vos propres applications iPhone et iPad natives.


by 2 others

iProcessing is an open programming framework to help people develop native iPhone applications using the Processing language. It is an integration of the Processing.js library and a Javascript application framework for iPhone. The iProcessing download consists of a set of example XCode projects that demonstrate many of the Basic Examples from the Processing web site (originally written by Casey Reas and Ben Fry unless otherwise stated) as well a number that demonstrate the use of various iPhone features such as multitouch, accelerometer, orientation, location, sound play/record, app state saving and so on. It is in development and is currently used by Luckybite and other designers and students for prototyping

LordPhoenix's Blog » Archive du blog » Accord de licence qu’Apple impose aux développeur décortiqué.

Sauf que non il existe un canal que Apple ne contrôle pas : Le web. En gros ne faites pas des application iPhone faites des applis web si vous ne voulez pas avoir de menottes.


L'appli iPhone Facebook perd son développeur - iPhone, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch : le blog

C'est un gros coup de colère qu'il fait partager en annonçant publiquement et avec forces déclarations, qu'il arrète de développer l'application iPhone Facebook et que (rassurez vous) , il la transfère à un autre développeur.

La raison de sa colère est liée au process d'approbation qu'Apple a mis en place pour que les applications soient disponibles sur l'AppStore. Il exprime que ce processus de validation va à l'encontre de ce à quoi il veut contribuer et qu'il préfère retourner au développement web, ou la liberté est plus grande.