public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags dev & code



Carrer Blog: CSS Specificity Coding Method

if I order my CSS by their Specificity the search should be very easy, I should start from the bottom to the top


Blackhole Media - Code

Sometimes we code neat chunks of code which we consider cool enough to be shared. Most code here is cocoa, our weapon of choice

Flickr Code

by 5 others
Welcome to Your one-stop shop for information, gossip and discussion with the Flickr developer community

Sparkle - Trac

by 4 others
Sparkle is a module that developers can stick in their Cocoa applications (five-step install!) to get instant self-update functionality.

BecomeAnXcoder | CocoaLab

Bert Altenburg, author of AppleScript for Absolute Starters, in co-operation with Alex Clarke and Philippe Mougin, has released a book for newcomers to Cocoa programming using Objective-C and XCode.


DigiBarn Posters: Mother Tongues of Computer Languages

by 1 other
This is a poster gives us a peek at the strongest branches of computer languages (no PHP inside!). This appeared in Wired Magazine and you can find a more exhaustive compilation at The Language List at the University of Freiburg.

Version 9919 - SPIP - Trac

Renommage de toutes les fonctions spip_abstract_ en sql_, c'est plus court et plus parlant puisqu'il s'agit des fonctions d'interfaces avec un serveur SQL.


jCodeViewer is a jQuery plugin which allows you to turn any div, textarea or pre tag into a simple Code viewer in an inobtrusive manner.

®¤©: documents: php and unicode

Some would say PHP has little or no Unicode support, and they'd be right. But I refer you back to the first item on our absolute minimum list. It's all just integers, and PHP has plenty of support for integers, so we can work around this problem.

Natural Docs

by 7 others
Natural Docs is an open-source, extensible, multi-language documentation generator. You document your code in a natural syntax that reads like plain English. Natural Docs then scans your code and builds high-quality HTML documentation from it.