public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags dev & plugin


Mock Your Ajax Requests with Mockjax for Rapid Development | Enterprise jQuery

The mockjax plugin is a development and testing tool for intercepting and simulating ajax requests made with jQuery with a minimal impact on changes to production code.

jQuery Sparklines

"This jQuery plugin generates sparklines (small inline charts) directly in the browser using data supplied either inline in the HTML, or via javascript. "

prettyLoader | Stéphane Caron – No Margin For Errors

"prettyLoader is a small (less than 4kb uncompressed) jQuery plugin that aim at making your life easier regarding ajax loader display."

by 8 others
"jParallax turns a selected element into a 'window', or viewport, and all its children into absolutely positioned layers that can be seen through the viewport. These layers move in response to the mouse, and, depending on their dimensions (and options for layer initialisation), they move by different amounts, in a parallaxy kind of way."

jQuery Lint – James Padolsey

"jQuery Lint is a simple script you can download and use with jQuery. It works over the top of jQuery and diligently reports errors and any incorrect usage of jQuery."

Shawn Mayzes - Google Maps jQuery Plugin

by 2 others
"The Google Maps jQuery Plugin lets you simply embed Google Maps using The Google Maps JavaScript API in your web pages."


jQuery Flash Plugin » Javascript

"Inspiré par SWFObject, UFO et sIFR, jQuery Flash Plugin a été complètement réécrit via jQuery pour éviter les redondances telles que recherche des éléments par leurs sélecteurs, la détection du navigateur, détection de Flash et améliorer les temps de chargement (si vous utilisez déjà jQuery, bien entendu)"

The Lightbox Clones Matrix « planetOzh

"Comparison of various scripts that display images and other objects in somehow cool CSS popups"

gameQuery - a javascript game engine with jQuery

by 2 others
gameQuery is a jQuery plug-in to help make javascript games easier to develop by adding some simple mechanism and commodity.

Dégraissons l'écureuil

Après une sortie très retardée de SPIP 2.0, l'objectif est maintenant de faciliter les évolutions et maintenance en sortant un maximum de choses du « core » sous forme de plugins officiels.

La liposuccion de SPIP est lancée !

Certaines fonctionnalités natives de SPIP commencent à être extraites sous forme de plugin afin d'alléger le « core ». Vous risquez de perdre des fonctionnalités de votre site si vous updatez directement en svn...


e-commerce sous Drupal, les modules indispensables

En voyant une telle liste de modules ajoutés à Drupal pour le site Natural Glam, est-on en droit de se demander si Drupal sait faire quelque chose tout seul ?

jMar's Blog: Building Your First jQuery Plugin

If you've gotten comfortable with the basics of jQuery coding, then you're certainly ready to develop your own plugin. This tutorial will take you step by step through creating your very own truncation plugin.

QUnit - jQuery JavaScript Library

QUnit is the unit testrunner for the jQuery project. It got promoted to a top-level project in May 2008 to make it easier to use in other projects, with focus on jQuery UI. Every plugin developer can leverage the testsuite to unit test their code.