public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from nhoizey with tags dev & web_services

March 2008

InfoQ: Hypermedia in RESTful applications

Flickr's current approach of requiring that clients possess Flickr-specific knowledge in order to progress from one application state to another, is simply another way of saying that they have a proprietary application model. Not only is it proprietary th

REST vs. SOAP at Amazon

Amazon has both SOAP and REST interfaces to their web services, and 85% of their usage is of the REST interface. Despite all of the corporate hype over the SOAP stack, this is pretty compelling evidence that developers like the simpler REST approach.

Microsoft bets on Atom Publishing Protocol as the future direction for Web APIs

by 2 others
Microsoft is making a large investment in unifying our developer platform protocols for services on the open, standards-based Atom format (RFC 4287) and the Atom Publishing Protocol (RFC 5023)

February 2008

WSO2 Web Services Framework for PHP | WSO2 Oxygen Tank

by 2 others
WSO2 WSF/PHP is a complete solution for building and deploying Web services, and is the only PHP extension with the widest range of WS-* specification implementations

November 2007

L'architecture orientée ressource pour faire des services web RESTful - Biologeek : Ubuntu, bio-informatique et geekeries libres d'un bio-informaticien au quotidien.

by 7 others
Le plus gros défaut de REST, c'est sûrement de se limiter à la comparaison des 4 verbes HTTP (GET, POST, PUT et DELETE) aux 4 actions possibles sur des données issues de bases de données (Retrieve, Create, Update et Delete soit CRUD)

June 2007


La chaîne YouTube des sessions de présentation des Google Developer Days, pour tout savoir sur les API et mashups possibles avec les outils Google

April 2007

Contract-First or Code-First Design - Part 4

Generated WSDL leads to interface bloat and duplicated and incompatible type definitions ... WSDL generation tools generate not only the WSDL interface, but also supporting XSD data-types for other classes used by the interface