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PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags advertising & google


Google rompt avec les annonceurs porno — Le Tag Parfait

AdWords, la régie publicitaire de Google, existe depuis près de quinze ans. C’est elle qui glisse de petites suggestions sur la page de résultats lorsque vous louez les services de l’hégémonique moteur de recherche. Vous voulez prendre soin de votre premier bonsaï ? AdWords vous tend une poignée de sites sur lesquels vous êtes susceptibles de dépenser vos sous : des boutiques de jardinage, des bonsaïstes professionnels, et cetera. Toutes ces annonces sont sélectionnées par AdWords en fonction de votre position géographique, de votre langue, du moment de la journée et surtout des termes utilisés dans votre requête.

All sent and received e-mails in Gmail will be analyzed, says Google | Ars Technica

by 1 other
Google added a paragraph to its terms of service as of Monday to tell customers that, yes, it does scan e-mail content for advertising and customized search results, among other reasons. The change comes as Google undergoes a lawsuit over its e-mail scanning, with the plaintiffs complaining that Google violated their privacy.

2012 » Archive du blog » Vers une standardisation des bannières riches mobiles »

Lancée en fin d’année dernière, l’initiative Rich Media Designs for Mobile de Google se présente sous la forme d’une série de gabarits standardisés de formats publicitaires enrichis pour les smartphones et tablettes. Une démarche qui a visiblement reçu le soutien de la profession avec cette distinction récemment acquise : IAB names Google winner of their Mobile Rising Stars contest.

Home | Project Re: Brief by Google

by 1 other
Can America's most iconic advertising campaigns be re-imagined for the web?


TechCrunch en français » Yahoo se jette dans les bras de Google, perd trois têtes et voit son action chuter

Yahoo et Google ont confirmé un partenariat autour de la publicité dans les recherches, comme nous le pressentions hier soir. Lire le billet du blog de Google ici.

Google and Ad Conglomerate Teaming Up - New York Times

It is possible that what emerges could drive the development of ‘open source advertising,’ ” Mr. Schmidt said, if the tools were made widely available. Google, which makes much of its money by placing ads on particular Web sites for other companies, promotes the adoption of common technical standards.

2006 - Filter them and increase your revenue !

by 5 others
AdsBlackList will teach you how to seek, recognize and filter low paying google ads which, in most cases, link to MFA (Made for Adsense) sites AND we will provide you with tools that will help you to substantly increase your AdSense revenue, all for free. Why would you seatle on taking $0.01 when you can boost it over $0.50 per click and double or triple your earnings ?!

digg’s new AdSense Ads

By now most people have seen the new digg design and expasion of their categories beyond their traditional ‘technology’ one. But what interests me most about the redesign is their integration of AdSense ads into the design. I noticed earlier today that they were a little different but didn’t think twice of it until Dave emailed me a few minutes ago and asked me about them - pointing out that they change color and have a darker border appear when you roll the cursor over them. They also have borders around each ad in the banner rather than one big one. The reason Digg will have such different looking ads will be that they are a pretty big publisher and probably have ‘premium publisher’ status which means they have an individual contract with AdSense that means they have to serve a certain number of impressions and in return get certain concessions (including the ability to customize ads and a specially negotiated rate of income). Premium publisher deals are not for the average blogger as you have to have many millions of monthly impressions to get the deal (I think it was 20 million per month last time I heard - but it could have gone up). The other thing I notice about Digg’s redesign is that they are rotating their own ads as well as some private banner ads into the banner position also. Their own ads are specifically designed to match the Google ones but are for Kevin and Alex’s podcast.