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PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags euvs & "angelo mariani"

07 December 2008

Erythroxylum coca

Leaves chiefly at the ends of the twigs, soon falling, broad-elliptic, c. 3-8 by 2-4 cm, dark green above, paler and glaucous beneath, acuminate or rounded with a mucronate tip, cuneate at the base; midrib prominent beneath; nerves numerous, very faint on both sides, venation delicately anastomosing, two lines giving a clearly distinguishable, slightly concave areolation of a paler colour; petiole c. 2-6 mm

05 December 2008

A digestive tonic also made with cocaine.1900's

Tonico Pepto Cocaina Gibson, para tener buena salud hay que digerir bien

04 December 2008

Téléchargement de photo Flickr : Steamship "California"

Description: This is an illustration of steamship "California" at sea (1848 1894). Only a few passengers were on board when the ship left New York on October 6, 1848. By the time the ship reached its stop on the Panama's Pacific coast, word had spread of the great new find of gold in California. Over 700 people tried to get passage on the ship in that harbor. The Pacific Mail agent managed to cram 365 people aboard the ship before it set sail for California. The ship and passengers reached San Francisco on February 28, 1949, where all but one member of the crew deserted the ship for the goldfields. The ship was lost in a wreck off the Peruvian coast in 1894.

03 December 2008

Erythoxylon Coca

cocaart.jpg (Image JPEG, 550x727 pixels)

Coca Plant from ebook of The Andes And The Amazon : or, across the continent of south america by james Orton M.A.

On the upper waters grow the celebrated coca, a shrub with small, light-green leaves, having a bitter, aromatic taste. The powdered leaves, mixed with lime, form ypadú. This is to Peruvians what opium is to the Turk, betel to the Malay, and tobacco to the Yankee. Thirty million pounds are annually consumed in South America. It is not, however, an opiate, but a powerful stimulant.

coca plant

Figure 1. Photograph illustrates the E coca plant, a shrub that is native to South America and grows in a variety of areas, including Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, and northern Argentina.

02 December 2008

Internet Archive: Details: Czar Nicholas II of Russia (1868-1917)

In rare footage, Czar Nicholas of Russia mounts his horse. During the Russian Revolution, in 1917, he and his entire family were murdered by the Bolchevicks.

Internet Archive: Details: Vue Lumière No 765 - Danse Serpentine

Dance performance, first projected in Avignon on November 25th 1896 (performer: Loïe Fuller)

Figures contemporaines, tirées de l'album Mariani...

T. Ier. Soixante-quinze gravures à l'eau-forte par A. Lalauze. Prélude iconographique par Octave Uzanne ; T. II. Soixante-seize gravures à l'eau-forte par A. Lalauze. Causerie préliminaire par Armand Silvestre ; T. III. Soixante-dix-huit biographies, notices, autographes et portraits ; T. IV. Soixante-quinze biographies, notices, autographes et portraits. Préf. de Jules Claretie ; T. V. Soixante-dix-huit biographies, notices, autographes et portraits gravés sur bois par D. Quesnel, A. Brauer, H. Sorensen, A. Prunaire et P. Leyat. Lettre-préf. de O. Roty ; T. VI. Soixante-dix-huit biographies, notices, autographes et portraits gravés sur bois par A. Brauer, P. Leyat, D. Quesnel et H. Sorensen. Causerie préliminaire par Maurice Bouchor ; T. VII. Soixante-dix-huit biographies, notices, autographes et portraits, gravés sur bois par A. Brauer, W. Lenders, P. Leyat, A. Prunaire et D. Quesnel. Orné d'une gravure sur bois d'après un tableau de F. Roybet, augm. d'une table générale, par ordre alphabétique et par t., de toutes les personnalités parues dans les sept volumes déjà publiés ; Tome VIII. Quatre-vingts portraits, autographes, notices et biographies rédigées par Joseph Uzanne. Gravures sur bois de A. Brauer, Marius Clément, W. Lenders, P. Leyat, A. Prunaire et D. Quesnel. Augm. d'une table générale, par ordre alphabétique et par tome, de toutes les personnalités parues dans les 8 volumes actuellement publiés ; T. IX. Quatre-vingts portraits, autographes, notices et biographies réd. par Joseph Uzanne. Gravures sur bois de Henri Brauer, Marius Clément, W. Lenders. A. Prunaire et D. Quesnel. Augm. d'une récapitulation générale, divisée par tomes, des personnalités parues dans chacun des 9 volumes actuellement publiés ; T. X. Soixante-seize portraits, autographes, notices et biographies, rédigées par Joseph Uzanne. Gravures sur bois de Henri Brauer, Charles Clément, D. Quesnel. Augmenté d'une table générale, par ordre alphabétique, des personnalités parues dans les 10 volumes actuellement publiés

Freedom of Medicine and Diet: Vin Mariani

Mariani Pantomine La Fleur de Coca, Anti-Christ Cocaine Prohibition, Angelo François Mariani dies and the US enacts the Harrisson narcotics tax act effectively banning coca and opiates, Mariani's attempt at dialogue with knight Wiley, New dark age's AMA-APha crusade against Coca/Vin Mariani, Coca Apogee 1898 and 1904 : The Vatican Fetes Angelo François Mariani


by 1 other
Today we have a cocaine problem in our country. This problem is no newcomer to the American scene. At the turn of the century, coca was added to many over-the-counter products. It was widely advertised and freely available at the local drug store. Indeed there were groups who warned of its effects and fought against its use but the population at large with easy access and probably little understanding continued using the these tonics and stimulants often to the point of addiction. At least some of the time the public was not aware of the addition of cocaine as one of the ingredients. Of all the coca products none was more flagrant in their advertising or more successful in their sales than Coca Mariani, a dangerous combination of wine and coca extract. The "Popular French Tonic," as it was called was billed as a "Tonic Stimulant" and they claim was used in Hospitals, Public and Religious Institutions.

Plantes médicinales : la feuille de coca, erythroxylum coca

ERYTHROXYLUM COCA, ERYTHROXYLUM NOVAGRANATENSE, ERYTHROXYLACEAE Le cocaier ou arbre à coca est un petit arbre originaire des régions tropicales de l'Amérique du sud qui peut atteindre à l'état sauvage 5 à 6 m, mais est en général taillé pour rester plus court et permettre la récolte des feuilles . Les branches, droites et alternes, sont souvent rougeâtres (d'où son nom Erythroxylum), les feuilles bien vertes ont entre 2 et 5 cm de long, elles présentent une partie centrale délimitée par deux lignes courbes surtout visibles sur la face inférieure. En séchant elles restent planes, leur odeur est agréable, un peu aromatique (parfois odeur de thé quand elles commencent à sécher). Les fleurs sont blanchâtres, pentamères, et les fruits des drupes oblongues, rouges, de 1 cm environ.

French Phylloxera Epidemic: Largest Disaster in the History of Wine

A mysterious blight struck the majority of French grape vines between the late 1850s and the turn of the century, causing enormous damage to the French economy. In the vine districts, wages dropped by half, businesses collapsed, and much of viticulture population emigrated to Algeria and other countries. (1) Vintners used 36,633 tons of sugar to improve the quality and quantity of wine produced in 1888, and imported larger quantities of foreign wines to meet the demand for mixing. The imports were, from Spain, 7,008,000 hectoliters; Italy, 1,082,305 hectoliters; and Algeria, 1,089,000 hectoliters. (2) One hectoliter equals to 100 liters or 26,418 U.S. gallons.

01 December 2008

The+Popular+French+Tonic+For+Body+And+Brain+1280.GIF (image)

Never has anything been so highly recommended ! Every trial proves its excellence