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PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags lang:en & comics

December 2006


Le blog de Paul Pope

August 2006

May 2006 Graphic Novels for People Who Hate Comics

Kristi asked yesterday about good graphic novels for book groups. In response, here's a list of comics that I think nearly any adult would find entertaining and interesting. Note the absence of superheroes

April 2006

MILE HIGH COMICS presents THE BEAT at Chris Ware moves ACME to FSG

Chris Ware, unwilling to compromise the quality of his products, moves his ACME Novelty Library series from Fantagraphics - Chris Ware, unwilling to compromise the quality of his products, moves his ACME Novelty Library series from Fantagraphics to Drawn & Quarterly.

November 2005

Unintentionally sexual comic book covers: Part 1.

by 2 others (via)
I was going through a stash of old comic books the other day, when I came across several that seemed a bit odd; not in the sense that the comics were strange or unique, but rather, because beneath the seemingly innocent veil of child-like artwork was a subtle nod towards debauchery. The artists who created these covers probably never meant for them to to be used as spank fodder, but being the mean-spirited, immature, asshole that I am, I've decided to do the only thing that a grown adult would do: point out juvenile observations of unintentionally sexual acts on comic book covers.