public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags lang:en & humor

January 2007

Welcome to the Pitch-o-matic!

Want to know what your client will think of your design ? Trying to pitch a new ad campaign or TV show ? Run an idea up the flagpole and see who salutes ? Presenting the Pitch-o-matc - a client pitch simulator. Carefully calculated from over 10 000 responses from presidents, vice presidents and marketing people, the Pitch-o-matic is designed to test your concept now without the fear of real rejection.

December 2006

What every woman should know about internet porn

by 1 other, 1 comment
As I’ve spent the last three nights sleeping on the couch I feel a need to try to help my fellow man by providing some useful information to the women of the world. The truth is nearly every man alive looks at porn, and with the internet making porn free, easily accessible, and anonymous, I've never even heard a rumor of a guy who doesn't REGULARLY look at internet porn. If for some reason you don’t think your fella does, your relationship might not be as open and honest as you think.

January 2006

Sexual Moments in Video Game History

by 1 other
Video Games and Sex. In recent years, it seems like the two have been going together like peanut butter and jelly. Grape jelly. With recent titles such as "Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball" and "BMX XXX"

December 2005

November 2005

Unintentionally sexual comic book covers: Part 1.

by 2 others (via)
I was going through a stash of old comic books the other day, when I came across several that seemed a bit odd; not in the sense that the comics were strange or unique, but rather, because beneath the seemingly innocent veil of child-like artwork was a subtle nod towards debauchery. The artists who created these covers probably never meant for them to to be used as spank fodder, but being the mean-spirited, immature, asshole that I am, I've decided to do the only thing that a grown adult would do: point out juvenile observations of unintentionally sexual acts on comic book covers.

The Best Page In The Universe.

by 13 others
This page is about me and why everything I like is great. If you disagree with anything you find on this page, you are wrong.

farmsluts - looser !

by 4 others
déjà vu il y a longtemps, mais tjs aussi drôle

Make Sure it's a Mini Adventure

Around the country, unsuspecting members of the public are being duped into buying imitation MINIs. This website will give you all the latest news. It's got all the vital information you need to tell whether it's a genuine MINI or not.

September 2005

He Man does 4-non-blondes

by 2 others (via)
We all watched He Man growing up, but never like this. Animation has come a long way, but our sense of humor is still the same. I'm really glad they found a way for Skeletor to be part of this

Too Cool for Internet Explorer

The site you are trying to view has been deemed "Too Cool for Internet Explorer".

Microsoft Expression

Microsoft Expression™ takes the many sides of your creative personality to all new levels. Professional design tools give you greater flexibility to create sophisticated applications and content. Innovative technologies enable faster and richer interface development for Windows applications or the Web. Compatibility between products increases all levels of your personal productivity

July 2005

AIRTOONS - Personal Parody Site

by 4 others
"If the captain gets angry and pulls out his S&M whip, you must seek shelter immediately.3