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PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags ipad & software


Reveal App

by 1 other (via)
inspect, modify, debug


Storyplanet - Helping you build interactive stories

by 1 other
Our online platform will make it easy to turn photos and video into beautiful interactive stories for your website of facebook.


Interactive Fabrication » Beautiful Modeler

Beautiful Modeler is a software tool for gestural sculpting using a multi-touch controller such as an iPad. Each finger is used to control a single touch point in the model, with multiple layers working to build up 3D volume. As the controller is connected over the wireless network, it can be moved freely to change the viewing angle of the model.

Conde Nast to use Adobe Publishing Tools for Tablets | Peter Kafka | MediaMemo | AllThingsD

Here’s a win for Adobe, which could use one: Condé Nast, which has been testing the software company’s tablet publishing tool against a homegrown version, is going to use Adobe’s offering instead.

iPad Application Design » Matt Legend Gemmell

by 2 others
I held a 6-hour workshop at NSConference in both the UK and USA recently, focusing on software design and user experience. Predictably, an extremely popular topic was the iPad, and how to approach the design of iPad applications. I gave a 90-minute presentation on the subject to start each workshop, and I want to share some of my observations here.