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PUBLIC MARKS from sbrothier with tags video & event


Typophile Film Festival 5 Opening Titles | The FontFeed

The 5th Typophile Film Festival premiered one month ago at Design à Trois, a three night event exploring rock poster design, book cover design, and type design, organised by Portland

Bouncing Red Ball » 6 Winners of the 2008 Japan Media Arts Festival Entertainment Division

The Media Arts Festival Executive Committee, composed of people from the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs, the National Art Center and CG-ARTS Association, has announced the winners of the 12th Japan Media Arts Festival. 2,091 works from 43 countries and regions were evaluated to come up with winners in Art, Entertainment, Animation and Manga. Here are 6 worthy winners in the Entertainment Division.



Après un réveil difficile (Potato Head Blues), on a la tête lourde (Watermelon Man)… Mais pas de panique, tout ira bien (Doodlin’)… Les filles se posent bien des questions (Someday My Prince Will Come)… Les garçons, eux, préfèrent faire la fête (St Thomas)… Mais le temps passe, les images défilent, les horloges s’affolent (Ascension)… Certains boivent le thé (Tea For Two), d’autres regardent la pluie (I’m Singing In The Rain)… Il est 20 h 30 ! C’est l’heure des Stars-Non-Académiques (On Broadway)… Et plus tard on pourra méditer… (After The Rain).


Dailymotion - Courts Devant la cinquième dimension

Cette année, la cinquième dimension du festival courtsdevant se déroule sur Dailymotion. Choisissez le meilleur motion qui gràce à vos votes sera projeté dans nos salles.



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les clics d'or selon dame pipi / upian-inside